Capsis-4.2.1 LGPL is out
A new open source capsis release is available. It includes the following free models
- Abial and Fagacees(INRA/LERFOB - Nancy)
- ModisPinaster (UTAD CIFAP - Vila Real)
- Mountain (CEMAGREF - Grenoble)
- New project manager
- New extension manager
- Improved automation mode
- Improved automatic user interface
- New model output type : summary for synthetic results
- Support of pure groovy modules
- New dialog positionner
- Extension refactoring and simplification (data extractor, intervener, export...)
- Java/Python communication support
- Easier module creation using a script and a module template
- A lot of code simplification and rewrite
- A lot of bug fixes
- Libraries update (apache.commons.math, jogl, sketch)
- ...