Xplo is an open source software for plant architecture eXploration at different scales for botanists, agronomists and educational purpose.
The main goals are :- to build, edit, visualize and extract architectural data,
- to run individual level 3D growth models.
The software is built on a formal model inspired from MTG formalism which is the central data structure of the system.
Xplo is developed in the AMAP laboratory by Sébastien Griffon (CIRAD) : sgriffon@cirad.fr
Documents and information¶
- Xplo relies on the Jeeb Charter
- The Xplo FAQ
- Xplo screenshots
- Xplo presentation, march 2010 :
Xplo 1.0
F.Lu, S.Griffon, H. Rey, P.De Reffye, from september 2009
GLOUPS is a plant simulator implementation of the process-based model GREENLAB V5
H.Rey, from november 2009
Sunflower growth model
C.Prestianni, Y. Caraglio, from february 2010
geometry reconstruction from measurement on fossil
J. Dauzat, from october 2009
Coffee geometry reconstruction from measured data and data extraction
Fir sapling¶
O. Taugourdeau, from march 2010
Fir sapling geometry reconstruction + light interception + data extraction
Palm simulator¶
H. Rey, R. Lecoustre from january 2011
Palm tree growth model.
Xplo is released under LGPL licence.
Click here to download an Xplo demo+sources version.