The developer team having been reduced since 2010, the work in the real world still goes on actively but does not reflect on the Redmine project management server. To get information about the most recent projects in Capsis, please have a look at the Capsis web site:
A new open source capsis release is available. It includes the following free models
- Abial and Fagacees(INRA/LERFOB - Nancy)
- ModisPinaster (UTAD CIFAP - Vila Real)
- Mountain (CEMAGREF - Grenoble)
This new version includes also the following new features.
- New project manager
- New extension manager
- Improved automation mode
- Improved automatic user interface
- New model output type : summary for synthetic results
- Support of pure groovy modules
- New dialog positionner
- Extension refactoring and simplification (data extractor, intervener, export...)
- Java/Python communication support
- Easier module creation using a script and a module template
- A lot of code simplification and rewrite
- A lot of bug fixes
- Libraries update (apache.commons.math, jogl, sketch)
- ...
Capsis provides a new mechanism to replay scenarii with different initial or evolution parameters.
This mechanism is called automation. This automation can be run in graphical model or in console mode.
correction of adjusted lengths evaluation and filename managing.
The modifications concern the Ficeler and Surfol modules.
the circularity coefficient is used to identify aids : application to the Sorgho images in which the leaf are cut in three part
Capsis is now able to generate automatically the graphical user interface for the model parameters
without writing specific java code.
Model parameters are displayed in a simple dialog box.
The following type are supported :
- Integer
- Float/Double
- String
- Filename (String)
- Enumeration
- List
- ...
The generated dialog supports
- Label translations.
- Import/Export parameters from/to xml
Documentation is available on the capsis website :
Since november 2009, Capsis supports a new model architecture. This new architecture intends to :
- Reduce the number of necessary classes.
- Simplify the implementation of the model
- Support automatic graphical user interface
- Support automation to replay a scenario and do some variation on the parameters
The main differences with the previous architecture are:
- Relay classes are optional : there is a default implementation
- Settings and initial parameters are merged into a single class
- Script mode is supported by default
- Parameter classes and gui classes are separated
Documentation is available on the capsis website :
different documents about the Surfol module are available into the Files folder : how to dispose the leaves on the scanner pane, how to evaluate the computtaion errors, how to use Surfol... goog reading
The light Toaster space is opened for internal broadcast of Surfol module